Thursday, 5 May 2016

Lets Get This Campaign Going...

Hello you lovely lot!

Firstly I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who read/shared my blog last time. I was overwhelmed by the response to it and delighted by the messages I received.

Due to this response, my passion for getting people openly talking about mental health has grown even more. I am aiming to blog weekly to keep you up to date with my own journey, but I'm also looking for guest bloggers. I want to cover all aspects of mental health - and my anxiety disorder is all I can offer my own experience on. So PLEASE if you wish to do a guest blog for me from a different perspective on ANY aspect of mental health, please get in touch with me. Whether it's you who suffers from it, a friend/partner/family member, or even if you just want to get your voice heard, drop me a message. Anything said to me is in confidence, and I will always ask permission before anything is shared, and I'm happy for people to remain anonymous if you'd like.

I've set up a Facebook page for my blog where you can keep up to date and get in touch with me -

And also my blog now has it's own twitter page that you can follow for updates and get in touch - @letstalkmhealth

This Week

I've had a tough week this week.
In my previous blog, I posted I had only had 2 major panic attacks since September. As sods law would have it, this week I had my third.
I was with some friends in a pub post rehearsal, and unfortunately it just sprang out of nowhere (which is unusual in itself, there is usually a trigger for these big ones).

However, I came to realise A LOT during this last panic attack, and has really got me thinking.

The first thing that struck me, was that I felt so embarrassed. I was focussing more on trying not to draw attention to myself, that I lost control over the panic attack and panicked more. Looking back at it now, I had absolutely nothing to be embarrassed off: I handled myself very well and did what I needed to do.
But I haven't been able to stop thinking about...WHY was I so embarrassed? Why SHOULD I be so embarrassed? And the comes back to what I said in my last blog, is this stupid, ridiculous, taboo we have about admitting we have a mental illness.
I'm not ashamed to stand up and say I suffer from an anxiety disorder - in NO WAY am I saying that. I would happily tell everyone I meet. I didn't need to feel embarrassed, nobody was judging me and I was handling myself well. Had I have realised that at the time, perhaps my panic attack wouldn't have been quite so intense.
I am very open, but I know others are afraid to be quite so open...and I want people to stop having to feel like that and feeling that they have to hide it.

The second thing that struck me, was just how much MORE I want and NEED to do to get this campaign going. I can't describe how important it is to me to get everyone openly talking about mental health and to stop others feeling this embarrassment. 
I don't know what else I can do to get this campaign going - but keeping this blog going is definitely a start, and please, PLEASE get in contact with me if you feel you can help me with this. Guest blogging, ideas for raising awareness, whatever it may be. Even just sharing, retweeting, whatever, your support means the world to me and others suffering with mental illness.

So please follow my twitter page (@letstalkmhealth), like my page on facebook, and get in contact if you are interested in doing a guest blog, want to ask me any questions, have any ideas for upcoming blogs, or even if you just want a chat.
I would love to hear from anyone and everyone, people with all forms of mental health disorders, be it anxiety, depression, bipolar, personality disorders, OCD, PTSD, eating disorders etc, please PLEASE get in touch with me. Anyone currently suffering, or anyone who has beaten these illnesses. I would love to hear from you.

Lets work together to get talking about mental health!

Until next week!
Suzy x



  1. The embarrassment adds to the panic.

  2. This is brilliant! I have bouts of depression and anxiety and a mild form of Asperger's. My thoughts are after much consideration that society imposes behavioral expectations as a form of crowd control. Add this pressure to conform to a daily bombardment of media horror with very little cathartic value and you have a recipe for dysfunction. Each of us is unique but the price of self-expression and individual thought is non-acceptance and even blatant fear. Those of us pursuing an artistic career do so in face of social stigma and potential bullying and "failure" based purely on the erratic delivery of remuneration. It's a tough call being sensitive to our environment and hyper-aware of the various influences that daily bombard us with negative information. I applaud your courage and honesty and will help any way I can.

  3. This is brilliant my husband has mental heath problems he has a lot to deal with he has also got anxiety , depression, personality disorder. I have had a bad week with him and it really tires me out we have no sex at all as he can't he is must so tired. His mother has got cancer and he wants to go over there to look after her .
    We live in perth Australia an his mother lives in n.s.w he keeps saying he wants to go over there for 5mths his family have told him a few times stay put for now.
    But my husband is not listing to anyone or he can't hear them .
    He has made his mind up i think and i wont no untill a week before he go's
    So hun lm in the same boat as you but i would love to follow your journey maybe u could help me ����

  4. This is brilliant my husband has mental heath problems he has a lot to deal with he has also got anxiety , depression, personality disorder. I have had a bad week with him and it really tires me out we have no sex at all as he can't he is must so tired. His mother has got cancer and he wants to go over there to look after her .
    We live in perth Australia an his mother lives in n.s.w he keeps saying he wants to go over there for 5mths his family have told him a few times stay put for now.
    But my husband is not listing to anyone or he can't hear them .
    He has made his mind up i think and i wont no untill a week before he go's
    So hun lm in the same boat as you but i would love to follow your journey maybe u could help me ����
